Saturday, January 5, 2013

Sweet Miss S | Cypress and Houston, Texas Newborn Portrait Photography

 Meet the sweet Miss S! She was also a Christmas baby that decided to come early so she didn't miss the Holidays. I had the pleasure of doing maternity portraits for her parents so I was looking forward to meeting her. She was such a cutie pie!  She such a good little sleeper and very snuggly too. Enjoy your sneak peek, K family!

Jolly Little Man J | Cypress and Houston, Texas Newborn Photographer

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and New Years! I had a nice vacation to visit my family in South Carolina for 2 weeks and now I have lots of catching up to do! I will be returning emails and finishing up galleries this week. Thanks so much for your patience and understanding! Now to catch up on blogging...

Meet precious little man J! He was due to be a Christmas baby, but decided he wanted to come a little early so he didn't miss out on the Holiday fun. He was an awesome sleepy little guy and he was so smiley too! He gave me lots of sleepy grins. Enjoy your sneak peek, H family!